It is probably a good idea to make more than one potion, as there are several points in the game where the player's inventory is taken away and you will have to perform the glitch again. Once you have a strong enough potion, equip the Amulet of Talos, drink the potion, then unequip and re-equip it to have unlimited Shouts. Continue this loop until you have a potion that is at least a 500% increase, any more than that is a waste of resources and may result in the potions themselves glitching. If you feel like we skipped over some be sure to let us. The next time you make a Fortify Restoration potion, it should be a little more powerful than the first one. Wrath of Nature offers 8 unique transformations while Undeath gives you the possibility to become a Lich that looks like like a more badass version of a Dragon Priest.So these are our Skyrim mods featuring some highest quality and unique transformations and transformation improvements. After creating the potion, drink it from the inventory, then unequip and re-equip the four enchanted gear items. After equipping these items, make a Fortify Restoration potion using a Salt Pile and either Abecian Longfin or Cyrodilic Spadetail, all of which are easily bought in Arcadia's Cauldron. To begin the Restoration Potion glitch, you need to enchant four items with the Fortify Alchemy enchantment: a ring, necklace, gauntlets, and helmet.